作者:lisky 日期:2011-05-20
2011. 5.20 李宗薇
口試者現不妨先進行task analysis, 列出現場有哪些工作?要請幾位同學幫忙?工作有些很具體,如錄影、錄音、拍照、口委意見及提問紀錄(須所上同學)等工作,還有些沒有清楚列明,但仍要準備的,如口委的餐點、口委簽名頁要用的黑色筆(原子筆太細、簽字筆太粗)、口委在印領清冊及表格的簽名等。這些工作聽來都是雜事、小事,但記得分子理論、煙囪理論吧?「牽一髮動全身」,一個小差錯有時會壞全局,故要謹記「莫以善小而不為」。
「凡事豫則立」,這話亦適用於口試,同學事前作業愈謹慎、愈周延,勤快到所辦、不懂處虛心請問助教或學長姊,相對會降低出差錯的機率。如同一個好的ID專案經理人(project manager),口試者與幫忙同學如同一個團隊,事前應有充分的討論及分工,不然找來幫忙的同學不清楚要作什麼,甚或以為自己是聽眾,以致最後該做的沒作,有所疏失,例如口委離開後發現印領清單沒簽名,某張表格漏勾漏填,或口試得分寫成阿拉伯數字(應填國字)等,這些除了工作同學要負責,口試者也應再檢查,這樣double chedk,以避免出錯。
[本日誌由 lisky 於 2012-08-01 02:54 PM 編輯]
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文章來自: 本站原創
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鏈接: https://rawrain.com/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=18691
摘要: I have just gotten a blog on blogspot. People comment me and I was wondering how you comment back to them without e-mailing or going to their blog. .
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摘要: This would have to be a new blog. Something that you want to read about, but havent found online. This can be religious, fashion-based, etc. Im just getting some ideas for the blog i want to start- Thanks!.
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摘要: This would have to be a new blog. Something that you want to read about, but havent found online. This can be religious, fashion-based, etc. Im just getting some ideas for the blog i want to start- Thanks!.
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鏈接: http://www.sellmyjunkcarquick.com
摘要: I want to start a website and I have no idea how. It has to be free and relatively simple, and I want other people to be able to comment on articles/pictures. Any suggestions?.
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