103學年度第一學期 group meeting

103學年度第1學期  group meeting  

group meeting #5

時間:2014. 12.15 (週三)  9:30-11:00
1.  論文進度報告
2.  論文考試申請
3.  委員聯繫與場地借用等

group meeting #4
時間:2014. 11.26 (週三)  9:00-10:30
1.  論文第四五章完成情況報告
2.  論文考試日期討論
3.  小論文後續

group meeting #3
時間:2014. 9.18 (週四)  9:10-11:00

1.  論文進度說明
2.  小論文投寄

group meeting #2
時間:2014. 8.28 (週四)  9:10-11:00

1.  小論文三修
2.  論文進度檢視與後續討論

group meeting #1

時間:2014. 8.11 (週一)  9:10-11:00

1.  小論文修改版討論與投稿
2.  論文計畫修改確定

[本日誌由 lisky 於 2014-12-11 11:07 AM 編輯]
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引用通告地址: http://man.ntue.edu.tw/lisky/trackback.asp?tbID=165
評論: 0 | 引用: 24499 | 查看次數: 216532
prix montre hermes [2014-08-28 03:32 PM]
標題: prix montre hermes
鏈接: http://antiguacanopytours.com/correo/cgi-bin/system.php?p=112
摘要: Allergies should not be ignored. A minor allergic reaction can progress to a major serious reaction with subsequent exposures.

1002 [2014-08-28 03:31 PM]
標題: 1002
鏈接: http://www.rdbody.com/?p=1002
摘要: Qu'est ce qui unit ces deux créations ? Mais surtout qu'est ce qui les sépare? Les "chaussures cheveux" d'Elsa Schiaparelli

voyage hermes [2014-08-28 01:41 AM]
標題: voyage hermes
鏈接: http://antiguacanopytours.com/correo/cgi-bin/system.php?p=28
摘要: F. the neighbors unless they make an agreement with you that they will clean up the property around the tree for you and they can have the olives (yuck! I don blame you for not wanting it, i hate em too!)

pentrucalarasi.ro/?id=14 [2014-08-27 03:08 AM]
標題: pentrucalarasi.ro/?id=14
鏈接: http://pentrucalarasi.ro/?id=14
摘要: Les marrons glacés étant souvent aussi vendus à la pièce, l'idéal est d'en goûter un avant d'en acheter plusieurs. Sinon, mieux vaut choisir une confiserie à gros débit. Au moins, on est sûr que la marchandise ne dort pas en vitrine depuis ...

標題: http://www.allpaymobile.net/?id=572
鏈接: http://www.allpaymobile.net/?id=572
摘要: Moving to rent, we're very pleased by the 3.8% increase in our average rent per square foot compared to last year. Our opening rents have been particularly strong. We now expect to be up about 3.5% for the full year. That's ahead of our or...

www.warrock.ph/?id=236 [2014-08-25 07:10 PM]
標題: www.warrock.ph/?id=236
鏈接: http://www.warrock.ph/?id=236
摘要: Pour dire adieu aux cuticules, nourrissez vos ongles quotidiennement avec une crème ou une huile.

http://myteamsf.com/?p=83 [2014-08-24 11:04 AM]
標題: http://myteamsf.com/?p=83
鏈接: http://myteamsf.com/?p=83
摘要: Sunglass Hut è un rivenditore internazionale di occhiali da sole e accessori occhiali da sole fondata a Miami, Florida, USA, nel 1971. Sunglass Hut è parte del Gruppo con sede italiana Luxottica, la più grande azienda di occhiali del mondo.

標題: http://www.ettelecom.co.im/?id=863
鏈接: http://www.ettelecom.co.im/?id=863
摘要: You'll feel like a spring flower in the Aidan Mattox silk chiffon floral dress sold at . This thin strap number comes in red and has detail in the bust that gives the impression of flowers. The body of the dress is in layers and pleats which gives ...

標題: http://www.talkxtra.co.uk/ghanaUK/loads.php?id=747
鏈接: http://www.talkxtra.co.uk/ghanaUK/loads.php?id=747
摘要: Debt is out. In recent years, everybody seemed to have everything he wanted (or, maybe, everybody except you).

hogan shop on line [2014-08-23 10:53 AM]
標題: hogan shop on line
鏈接: http://tvojapluca.rs/hogan.php?kid=hogan-shop-on-line
摘要: http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/analystResearch?symbol=RBSO.NS
